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The Ruhr Area!

This is where I was born, where I grew up and where I live with my family … in the middle of Ruhrgebiet, Revier, Pott!

However, these, albeit affectionately meant, names give a false impression of our region, because since the structural change, all the former collieries, many steelworks and other industrial centres have now disappeared. Although … no, they haven’t really disappeared, because where the smokestacks once smoked, coal was mined and steel was produced, their ruins and remains now stand as industrial monuments. Slagheaps and other former industrial sites have been reclaimed by nature … and that’s a good thing, because now almost everywhere in the Ruhr region is no longer grey but GREEN!

Cycling in the Ruhr area – an Eldorado for young and old!

Cycling is my great passion! Whether MTB, road bike or velomobile … it has to roll! And preferably in the Ruhr region, because why go far afield when the Ruhr has so much to offer?

In the last 20 years, many new cycle paths have been created as a result of the structural change … and more are being created every day. Today, more than 1,200 kilometres of cycle paths criss-cross the Ruhr region! The Ruhr region has thus quietly developed into a cycling region. For many cyclists, it is now much more than just an insider tip!

That’s what my blog is all about! Industrial culture, cycling, hot spots in the Ruhr region, railway line cycling.

(Quelle: Wikipedia)

Ruhrgebiet-Links … Must Read!

Wer sich gerne weiter über das Ruhrgebiet informieren möchte, dem empfehle ich dringend folgende Links:

Metropole Ruhr-Tourismus –> Offizielle Webseite mit einem sehr guten Überblick
Pottleben –> Entdeckungsreise mit tollen Bildern
Route Industriekultur –> Alles was man über das Ruhrgebiet und seine Hotspots wissen muss
Ruhrpottblick –> Ausflugstipps etc.
Ruhrbloggs –> Wie der Name schon sagt … eine Übersicht toller Blogs rund um den Pott

Dronen-Video … Must See!

“We Travel The World” … das ist der Blog von Caro und Martin, zwei Reisebloggern aus Wiesbaden, die jetzt auch ein tolles Dronen-Video über das Ruhrgebiet gedreht haben … absolut sehenswert!