About Roadrunner

Revier, Pott, Ruhrgebiet, Kohlenpott … es gibt viele Namen für die Region “tief im Westen” wo ich geboren wurde und mit meiner Familie lebe! Seit dem Strukturwandel gibt es hier unzählige Industrie- und Kulturdenkmäler, ungeahnte Freizeitangebote und viel Grün. Das muss man sehen!

Sporty Cycling in old Age – What You Should Bear in Mind!


Cycling in old age - but please do it wisely! Dear cycling enthusiasts! Your speed may change as you get older, but that doesn't mean that your enjoyment of cycling has to diminish. On the contrary, cycling can be a great way to stay fit, enjoy the outdoors and socialise even in [...]

Sporty Cycling in old Age – What You Should Bear in Mind!2024-05-13T12:08:44+02:00

Weekend trip Ruhr area – Texel and back by velomobile


A weekend in a velomobile: from the Ruhr to Texel and back For years we have been going regularly with family and dog to Texel - a wonderful place! But this time I didn't just want to visit the island, I wanted to reach and explore it under my own steam with [...]

Weekend trip Ruhr area – Texel and back by velomobile2023-09-12T11:32:41+02:00

Test Shokz Openrun – Enjoying music whilst cycling?


Cycling and enjoying music? A contradiction in terms!? Who hasn't experienced this? Either the wind and ambient noise are so loud that you can hardly hear the music, or you block off your ears, really turn up the volume and can no longer hear your surroundings or the traffic ... which can [...]

Test Shokz Openrun – Enjoying music whilst cycling?2023-01-16T12:39:03+02:00

Make your own delicious energy bars for on the go


When it comes to the question of what to eat during longer, sporty cycling tours, opinions and personal experiences vary extremely widely! Some riders eat nothing at all and only take liquids, others choose bars and fruit and still others eat everything that has calories such as cake with whipped cream, pizza, [...]

Make your own delicious energy bars for on the go2023-01-10T15:19:32+02:00

300 km Brevet – A self-experiment (Part 2)


I hadn't actually planned to do this 300 brevet in Emsland. Rather, I wanted to have ridden the "flat" three-hundred in Twisteden in April. However, due to a persistent cold I had to change my plans and because of the "proximity" to the starting point I decided on this Emsland brevet ... [...]

300 km Brevet – A self-experiment (Part 2)2022-05-13T15:15:39+02:00

The whole brevet series? A self-experiment – Part 1: 200km


Last year in September I rode a brevet for the first time (you can find my report here). From then on, my ambition got the better of me and this year I'd like to do a complete brevet series, i.e. 200, 300, 400 and 600 kilometres. Of course, a lot of it [...]

The whole brevet series? A self-experiment – Part 1: 200km2022-05-05T15:14:46+02:00

Test Powermeter Pedals Garmin Rally RS 200 – Better than Vector 3? Is the upgrade worth it?


Last year I bought my first pedals with power measurement (Garmin Vector 3) and rode several thousand kilometres with them (click here for my experience report). Now that Garmin has released its successor, the Rally 200, and I was able to test them extensively for 2 months, I would like to briefly [...]

Test Powermeter Pedals Garmin Rally RS 200 – Better than Vector 3? Is the upgrade worth it?2022-04-06T15:12:30+02:00
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